Friday, April 15, 2011

My Map

So here is my map, it does not really have a name.
Enjoy it and the explanation is on the side.

My Map

Friday, April 8, 2011

The P.O.S. Leadership Style

For this assignment, I wanted to discover not only a leadership style we had not gone over yet, furthermore, I wanted something unique.  I began my research, looking for websites, articles, online journals, blah blah blah and then there it was! The perfect article, I swear to BOB it screamed “pick me! Pick me! I’m unique I’m unique”. I looked around the room to make sure no one was watching, and then sure enough……I clicked the link. THANK JESUS! Because I found one of the coolest articles and also discovered an awesome leadership style that I think I will surely give a try. So allow me to tell you about it, and no it does not stand for piece of S@#t leadership.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Midship Midterm! btw...just had an "AHUH" moment

So here is my midterm responses.
The movie I did was Crimson Tide- a fantastic film about leadership in a hostile environment, plus Denzel is the best actor of all time according to ME!

My "Ahuh" moment was that my blogs theme is pirate, ship, sailing the seas, etc and Crimson Tide also deals with the same kinda stuff so yay me!

Any-who check out my answers and see if they compare:

sidenote: I could not figure out how to copy the actual document without it showing the HTML code so above is the link to the online version of the document. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

FYI......5 worst energy drinks

Check out this article from Mens Health from the guys that brought you "Eat this - Not this":

pretttty prettttty interesting stuff.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Jimmy Burns

James MacGregory Burns was born in 1918 and is one of the most influential writers of our time.
He is famous for many works primarily as a presidential biographer, but he has also influenced leadership studies by coining his own leadership theory.

Instead of 5 pic's take 5 minutes of your busy life!! You wont regret this!!!!!!!!

So the assignment said to post 5 pictures of transformation and display them as a slide show.
As you may have noticed, my blog sort of steers of the formal path so I decided to do this assignment one better.
I picked one of my favorite children's books that has a great message and there is some very touching transformation that occurs in this short story.
If you have only 5 free minutes in your day, I URGE you to stop and watch this quick video as Robert Munsch reads you his book titled Love You Forever.
I promise you wont regret it (unless you hate your mom, then dont watch this video).

HOOK - TL in action

Hook is prolly top 5 of my favorite movies AND it definitavely shows TL in action AND it goes with my LEADER-SHIP theme so this was a win win win for all parties involved.

The First clip is Peter's journey from a grown up, mean, selfish Peter who has lost his sense of 'lost boy' to becoming the Peter Pan that everyone knew and loved and hoped would never grow up.
 The clip above gives you a general sense of his transformation but it focuses more on how he wins the love from his son back. If you have seen the movie (which should be everyone or else im dropping this class) the OBVIOUS transformation occurs with Peter trying to win back the faith and trust of his beloved lost boys.

SO I PREFER YOU TO WATCH THE BOTTOM 2 CLIPS unless you have not seen the movie, then watch above clip and may God have mercy on your soul.

So this next clip shows Peter returning to Neverland and the Lost Boys want nothing to do with this fat, old, Caucasian man who Tinker-bell claims to be Peter Pan.
Throughout the film, Peter goes through a transformation trying to find himself and in doing so he slowly gains the trust of the Lost Boys as their big war versus the Pirates is on the brink. The hardest Lost Boy to convince is Rufio - the head Lost Boy. Peter finds his happy thought and wins over the trust of the LB's and becomes Pan the Man!
Then they go on to CRUSH the pirates!

whats your happy thought?